Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Orphanage Prayer Before Meals

Thank you, God
We love you
We need you
Be with us
Protect us
And guide us
In your way
In Jesus' name
We pray

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Second Pediatrician Visit

Today I took Micah to see the pediatrician again. The good news is that he has gained about five ounces this week and all his bloodwork came back normal...woohoo! The bad news is that he had to get three shots, and his EKG came back abnormal. His heart is not enlarged, as was previously thought, but has some other abnormalities. Technically, he has early repolarization and nonspecific ST abnormality. I don't know what those mean, but the pediatrician wasn't overly alarmed. Having said that, I have already scheduled an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist from Children's Hospital for July 1. I will post again after we meet with him/her. I have made a purposeful decision not to worry, as much as I can control such a thing. I am going to look up the terminology online and see what I can find, though.

We still aren't in a routine yet, and by that, I mean that I can't seem to get the housework done at regular intervals. I got home from my last PTA meeting as president last night (woohoo again!) at about 11:00. No, the meeting didn't go that long, but six of us moms went out to Ruby Tuesday afterward. Once I got home, I got started doing stuff around the house and I couldn't stop. It may have had to do with the Coke I drank...who knows. So, as far as I can remember, between 11:00 and 2:00, I did the following: straightened Hannah's room and put away her laundry without waking her up; cleaned two toilets and one vanity; folded 1 or 2 loads of laundry; straightened the kitchen and ran the dishwasher; washed 2 loads of laundry and dried one; emailed all of my PTA stuff to next year's president. I can't remember anything else, but I know I did more b/c that stuff wouldn't have taken me three hours. I'm so tired today, as you can imagine. I'm planning to go to bed early tonight. Wish me luck.


Chris said...

Thanks for the update.
I will keep Micah in my prayers and thoughts !
Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Children's Hospital as in the hospital in DC?