Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Orphanage Prayer Before Meals

Thank you, God
We love you
We need you
Be with us
Protect us
And guide us
In your way
In Jesus' name
We pray

Monday, September 28, 2009

Are They Open?

Rumor has it that the Ethiopian courts re-opened today, or it might not be until next Monday. Either way, it's good news for us. We still haven't received a new courtdate yet, but I am holding out hope that we will hear something very soon. I hope so. I'm getting weary and I'm starting to think Jonah Nahom will never come home.


Julie said...

I've been following your blog for some time. Praying for all of us. Did you hear it from your agency? I know Rahel was at court today, but didn't know if it officially opened.


We are waiting for a court date as well. What agency/orphanage are you working with? Our agencies Director is over in ET now and should come home this weekend with some news about what is going on over there.

Chris said...

Thinking of you .
I hope that you get your court date soon.
How is Micha doing ?
You know that you an put pictures on your blog right ???? Just cheking :)
Say hi to brad for Dave and kiss him for me ;)

Julie said...

I heard from our director that they open on the 5th.

Melissa said...

Julie, in case you check to see if I read your post, my understanding is that courts are opening 10/13.